Tag Archive | movie review

Russell & Bromley Misty

Had to get these gorgeous puppies…elegant and classic, the perfect loafer for a Spring or Summer wardrobe. Thanks Russell & Bromley, loving the little details that make the ‘Misty‘ a very sentimental addition indeed.


Secret Cinema Mayhem

secret_cinemaLast weekend Planet Elldrew headed down to deepest darkest Croydon (we’re North London boys) for our first experience of Secret Cinema, and what an experience it was…we’re still processing a very surreal night, still rather unsure what it was all about, except to say that we loved it!

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Fish, The Middle East and Pizza in the Cinema

At our last villa stay the previous guests had generously left behind a copy of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, a book I had long wanted to read. Over the course of a week two of us read, giggled and grimaced our way through the amusing political satire about a naïve fish expert and his government cajoled attempt to encourage salmon to run the wadi’s of the Yemen.

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